Monday, October 19, 2009

Google it!

How do you know when you have finally arrived? Well, the first indication could be that your company's name has become THE verb that explains how one extracs information from the internet. When people do not know the answer to a question or where to start researching certain topics they reach back into the recesses of their minds where a simple statement lives and breathes. So they Just do it! They Google it.

When this notion becomes a long stnding joke/commentary on popular media venues like House, than that could be yet another indication that you have reached stardom. While I began to research Google I came across this cartoon clip and I thought it was slightly amusing.

Even yahoo has included this search feature on their own toolbars to make searching the internet more accessible. I had always thought Yahoo and Google were rivals. In fact back in 2004 yahoo dumped the internet search engine. See article on . Yahoo was on its way to creating its own search engine technology. Well, today it appears that Yahoo still needs to be in bed with Goggle. Yahoo's technology attempts to create a webpage for every user of its e-mail. One has the opportunity to choose to put their own favorite wbsites at easy access, their favorite sports teams and cinemas arranged for quick access. However, it is not a web site for the user, it is an adaptable homepage for their browser and e-mail accounts. It personalization seems to be jumping on the band wagon and appears to be a cheap knock off of Facebook, only providing info for the single user.

Google is a sith Lord! That is another indication that you have made it big time. Your name entices notions of the likes of Darth Vader, Atilla the Hun, Satan and Hitler. Evil doers.
"Is Google evil? " Well to suggest things in terms that are so completely contrasting like good and evil allows this argument to have legs that carry it far beyond CEO pocketbooks, but intrige the tech geek conspiracy theories. Is Google a sith lord? Do I need to use it or I will die? I truly don't think so. If we were to look at Google from the perspective of a competitive company, in a capitalist society, are we not going to look for the chink in this juggarnauts armor? I think so. Are all companies only purpose to provide solely for the users or are they not able to think about how to do for themselves? I think not. I feel that if I were a rival company I would spin-doctor anything that could weaken the mobility of Google. I would use powerful langue and rhetoric to make a company, that in fact does provide for the user a product that is easy to use and free for the end user, look bad in what ever form they can. A search engine will destroy the galaxy.

In contrast to the Evil statement which google must have taken seriously, they instituted a code of conduct that is ethical and puts the idea of "Don't be Evil" into practice. THIS CODE IS FOR EVERYONE THAT WORKS FOR GOOGLE; FROM BOARD MEMBERS TO CONSULTANTS. it seems this idea and attitude trickles from the boardroom to the breakroom and has become a motto inside the doors of the institution.

It just appears to me, that if what you want to get out of the internet information in order to devise and hatch you evil plan from your insidious hidden lair, than the information you look for can than be used for evil. Information is only knowledge and knowledge is never bad or good. One cannot blame google for your irrational behavior. They are there only to be able to provide access to informaion, and profit from it anyway they possibly can. Does that make them Evil? No, just in tune to the capitalist society that we live in.

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