Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Friends of Facebook

What a world we live in!!!

Where you can break up with someone without uttering a word. Imagine alerting the woman or man that you have been serious about, for quite a while, that you no lnger want to be with them via changing your relationship staus on FACEBOOK. Not guilt from having to look at the other person's face well up with sadness, or the need to tell excuses after excuse like: "Its not you... I need to work on me so I can work on a relationship." Whatever the trite remarks one makes in order to dump someone has effectively been removed from the equation. Now breaking upis as easy as one click of the mouse. Going from "in a relationship" to "single" can now be done without that sticky situation and uncomfortable conversation. One click and you can be on the prowl again. It does seem ilke it is a concept designed especially for the emotionally bankrupt or "the player."

This idea of the dump without words takes on a whole new format of communication. Not only does the opposing side of the relationship findout while checking their own Facebook account, but every friend in common will share the findings simultaneously. One click and hundreds of friends will be notified of your newly declared single status. How wonderfully equipped one must be, in a world that identifies iself through the words placed on or around a social netwoking tool, to be able to navigate such moral merkiness.

I have seen shows like "The Big Bang Theory," "How I Met Your Mother" and many more address this type of thoughtless self promotion as a way to get laughs and spin an unsavory and uncomfortable event into a laugh. I have seen students in my classroom sponteously break out in tears because they too had just become victim to the facebook staus change.

imagine at lunch you get into a fight with your boyfriend/girlfriend and by 6th period yo glance down at your phone only to realize that you became single without warning. It is a dreadful way to learn about the dissolving of your relationship, however you can discuss with your frinds how ironic it was to all find out that you found out the news all at the same time. Small consolation to life altering circumstances, I know, but Cest la vie in a world that is linked via the social networks.

In the article, "Facebook Divorce" this horrific act, that has as much of emotional connection as taking out the trash, a woman filed divorce via her posts on Facebook. "“Lauren went from being ‘married’ to being ‘single,'” read the dry, cold, unsympathetic recitation of fact. The infamous little broken-heart icon, the fixture you hope that, like some medical alert bracelet, you will never have to wear, fluttered up to hang alongside it. This is how life’s big moments unfold on Facebook: Epic emotions are reduced to emoticons." Without remorse and without a chance of reconcilliation a moment changes the trejectory of a marriage for one and fast tracks the conclusion for another.

What a world we live in!

1 comment:

  1. And I remember when the "email break-up" was the big no-no for, you can not only NOT face the person (in person), but you can announce it to the world all at the same time.
