Monday, November 9, 2009

Ben and Jerry giving up their shipment of milk for a week

Money, Money and Mo’ Money.
The question where do we cut spending is becoming increasingly more important and news worthy especially as the print age seems to be dying out. The more the end users depends upon the internet for their information on life, politics, local stories, sports and all other things that pertain to money the less people use their newspapers as a source of information. Thus, greatly diminishing the profits sustained by the companies that own that medium.

This becomes problematic however, especially when the internet sources are often driven by facts generated by newspapers. On the flip side of that most newspapers are dependent upon AP news wire as a place to get fast reliable facts for their publications. Now what will happen if they begin to post news without AP to back them up? What will happen when the news comes in at a slower pace and leads for reporters get missed and followed up by the competitors? Would that be sacrificing integrity and name recognition and wouldn’t that be a heavier burden to carry?
Chicago Tribune has chosen to not use AP for a week to see if they can “do without it.” Seems like a steep investment to give up. It seems like this is as if Ben and Jerry giving up their shipment of milk for a week to see if they can sustain their business.

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