Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stalker Stuff

So this Twitter stuff is either kinda of cool or really creepy. I have been playing with it, Twitter I mean, for about hours no. I began following things I am interested in like movie studios, comic book companies, news etc. and I found myself still not that entertained. That is when I realized I could 'cyberstalk' celebrities.'

I typed in a name that I thought would give me some witty quips a couple times a day, and that man was Kevin Smith. As of now, I no longer find him humorous. I now just feel he is trying to hard. It seems a bit sad. However, I did get a chance to see who he is following. Now that as the mother load of the whats up about Twitter.

I found out, via Kevin Smith's tweets that he follows a comic icon. Smith follows a Stan "the man" Lee. What!!! Too cool you say. Just wait until you see what Mr. Lee has to say:

"--But don't get too complacent! Tomorrow's another day and you know how compulsive I am! Sleep tight, heroes!"

this just in... still not that impressed with Twitter. BTW I am leaning towards the creepy thoughts on all this.


  1. o wow that is what i always thought about twitter with the stalkers following you and you following them it just made it weird to make stalking cool lol and don't forget my extra credit jk.

  2. The only reason I use twitter is to get the latest news. not to post what im actually doing
